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For Patients

People involved in your care

The San is a comprehensive acute care hospital, and we have a wide range of medical, nursing, allied health and support staff who may be involved in caring for you while you are a patient. We are also a teaching hospital affiliated with the Australian National University (ANU) and Avondale University, which means we have medical, nursing and other clinical students onsite completing their training.

People involved in your care may include the following:

Medical staff

Your admitting or treating doctor is responsible for your medical treatment while you are in hospital and is the person you should talk to if you have any questions about your illness or treatment. The San also has resident doctors who can assist with your care when needed. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so there are always doctors available to care for you. If you are visited by one of our resident doctors, you may be billed for a consultation.

Nursing staff

At the San you will find a nurturing and collaborative environment where professional nursing care is provided by a team of registered nurses, clinical nurse educators and enrolled nurses. The Nursing Unit Manager (NUM) of your ward is responsible for coordinating the nursing team and patient care, and if you have questions or concerns you can ask to see the NUM. Our nurses are here for you, so please feel free to ask any questions you may have - you can reach out at any time by using the nurse call button located by your bed.

Ward pharmacist

We offer all inpatients a comprehensive clinical pharmacy service. Your ward pharmacist is available to discuss any of your medications and answer your questions whilst you are in hospital.

Continuing care nurses, case managers, patient navigators and social workers

The impact of illness and hospitalisation can often affect the ability to return to your everyday life. We are committed to providing our patients with the support they need to assist in this process.

Our Continuing Care Nurses and Case Managers will assess your needs beyond hospitalisation and if required, will ensure you are connected with the appropriate services to continue the care you need. This may include transferring to another hospital. Case Managers are available in the following specialties - Cardiology/Cardiothoracic, Orthopaedic, Urology and Plastics, Colorectal and General Surgery, Neurology and Respiratory Medicine. Patient Navigators are available for Gastrointestinal, Prostate and Breast cancer patients.

Social Workers at the San are available to provide counselling to patients and their carers. They are qualified to deal with the concerns and emotions surrounding the impact of illness and hospitalisation. They are also able to provide assistance when there is a change in living arrangements, such as to a hostel or nursing home.

Continuing Care Nurses, Case Managers, Patient Navigators and Social Workers have a vast knowledge of community resources and will ensure appropriate referrals to community health services and / or other organisations where required. Please let your nurse or doctor know if you would like to speak to one of these dedicated team members, or you can phone 02 9480 9111.

Chaplains and spiritual care services

A stay in hospital for whatever reason can be a life changing experience. At the San we believe that patient care requires attention to the spiritual, as well as the physical and emotional needs of each patient. Chaplains and pastoral carers are interested in your total wellbeing and will listen carefully about the things that are important to you and support you as you manage those changes. Our Chaplains are available to patients, relatives and friends and can be contacted at any time by phone on 02 9480 6160, or by asking your nurse to call. Your own clergy person is welcome to visit you during your stay, and if you would like a representative of your own faith to visit our Chaplains will be happy to organise that for you.

Other health professionals

Depending on your individual circumstances you may also be visited by other health professionals including physiotherapists, dietitians, cardiac rehabilitation exercise physiologists, cancer support staff, and diabetes educators, as well as staff from our pathology, radiology and other diagnostic services departments during your stay.

San Volunteers

We are fortunate to have a large team of dedicated San Volunteers who are often available on your ward to assist nursing staff and patients in a variety of ways.

Other staff

Our hospitality staff will clean your room daily and will also deliver your meals. If you require transport throughout the hospital while you are a patient, one our Wardsperson Services staff will take care of you.