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News & Events

Media and Corporate Communications Team

Marketing & Communications Department
Phone: 02 9480 9871
Mobile: 0457622964

Media Enquiries

All media enquiries and filming requests must be directed to the San’s Marketing & Communications team. Directing your initial enquiry here will ensure your request is received and responded to by the appropriate team member and that interviews and background information can be provided in a timely manner.

Media enquiries directed to other individuals or departments within the hospital will be redirected to the Marketing & Communications Department and will delay any response to your request.

Urgent enquiries outside of usual business hours should be directed to the Hospital reception on 02 9480 9111 and will then be managed accordingly.

Media Access to Doctors, Staff, Patients or Facilities at Sydney Adventist Hospital

Requests for access by the media or photographers to the hospital, our medical, nursing and allied health staff, or patients must be made in advance to the Marketing & Communications Department and will be considered in accordance with Privacy Laws, and staff and patient personal requests.

Except for particular out of hours events, media interviews, photographic sessions and other media appointments must occur during normal office business hours.

The Marketing & Communications Manager or their representative must be present during any interview, photographic or filming session.

Any doctor, patient or staff member to be photographed, filmed or interviewed must be advised in advance and must provide written consent to the request. Marketing & Communications staff can assist in obtaining these permissions.

The San will always consider the patient’s best interests first.

Sydney Adventist Hospital may deny media access to a patient if it is determined the presence of photographers or reporters would aggravate the patient's condition or interfere with appropriate clinical care.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The hospital holds a number of events and activities throughout the year, some of which are available for businesses and organisations to sponsor.

Sydney Adventist Hospital seeks sponsorship to form mutually beneficial community relationships to enhance its programs, activities and events and obtain additional resources. Sponsorship of a San event, activity or program is not only a great way to support the Hospital and the local community it also provides many benefits to the sponsoring businesses ranging from Company name and/or logo exposure, naming rights, trade displays, to brand awareness.

Sponsorship opportunities include GP Education activities, Public Education Forums, Teddy Bear’s Picnic, Gala Dinners and Carols by Candlelight among others. All levels of sponsorship benefit the hospital and therefore the community, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to see how your contribution can help.

Enquire about sponsorship opportunities