- Gynaecology
- Gynaecology Robotic Surgery
- Advanced Endoscopic Surgery
- Advanced Operative Laparoscopy
- Transvaginal Mesh Surgery for Stress Incontinence
Parkway San Clinic
Level 1, Suite 116, 172 Fox Valley Road
Phone: 1300 724 380
Fax: 1300 724 381
Bella Vista / Norwest
Suite 206, Q Building, 10 Norbrik Drive
Phone: 1300-724-380
Fax: 1300-724-381
Other Languages
- Hindi
Dr Yogesh Nikam is a fully qualified Australian Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology with a particular expertise in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery. His postgraduate qualifications include specialty degrees in Minimally Invasive Surgery from India, Germany & Singapore. He has also gained his Australian RANZCOG fellowship whilst training via the WSLHD network since 2007. During this tenure, he has completed a 2-year
fellowship in Advanced Gynaecology & Laparoscopy with the Sydney West Advanced Pelvic Surgery (SWAPS) group and has worked as the Westmead Senior Registrar.
He offers services in general Gynaecology, however his expertise is in minimally invasive surgery such as operative hysteroscopy, complex laparoscopy involving Pelvic pain & Infertility (endometriosis), removal of fibroids (myomectomy) and removal of uterus (hysterectomy). He is
also competent in the management of involuntary leakage of urine (incontinence), weakening & prolapse of pelvic organs (pelvic floor dysfunction including Lap Sacrocolpopexy).
He is acceditated to perform Robotic Assisted Benign Gynaecological Surgery. He underwent an intensive training program to use the Robot at Florida Hospital, Orlando, USA. He has an equal interest in clinical work & research. He has 6 international publications to his credit. He is also involved in teaching medical students at the UWS & is a training supervisor for RANZCOG trainees.
Clinical Appointments:
VMO Sydney Adventist Hospital, Wahroonga ; VMO Norwest Private Hospital, Bella Vista ; VMO Westmead Private Hospital ; VMO Westmead Public Hospital ; Staff Specialist BMDH.
Academic appointments:
Integrated Training Program Supervisor, RANZCOG ; Training Supervisor CWH, RANZCOG ; Senior Lecturer, University of Western Sydney (UWS) & Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney.
Journal Articles
Please click here to download a list of journal articles Dr Yogesh Nikam has published. (PDF format)