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Dr Ruth Collins

Dr Ruth Collins

BMBS, BMedSci, MD, FRCS(Urol)(UK), FRACS (Urol)


  • Urology



Dr Collins qualified as a doctor (BMBS) from Nottingham University in the UK in 1989. She completed postgraduate training in Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK) where she also completed an MD Thesis on "The role of Transforming growth factor beta in the benign and malignant prostate" in 2000. She qualified as a Urology specialist in the UK in February 2002 having gained the FRCS(Urol)(UK) in November 2001, and then moved to Sydney in March 2002 and completed a further year as a Urology Fellow at Concord Hospital, Sydney. Dr Collins passed the FRACS(Urol) in May 2003 and achieved recognition as a specialist in Urology in July 2003. She was appointed as an AMO in Urology at Sydney Adventist Hospital in September 2004.


Dr Collins has published in peer reviewed journals and made multiple presentations on peptide growth factors in the benign and malignant prostate. She also has specific interest in Ultrastructural detrusor muscle changes in voiding dysfunction - A study examining the correlation between detrusor muscle and ultrastructure and clinical outcome in patients with detrusor hypocontractility has been completed. She is also interested in the effects of pelvic surgery on female sexual function - A prospective study examining the effects of surgery, particularly incontinence procedures, on vaginal and clitoral blood flow, sensation and anatomy is currently underway. Future areas of research will include risk management in recurrent stone formation and the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections.


  • Sydney Adventist Hospital