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Dr John Flood

B. Med (Hons), FRACS


  • Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery



Dr John Flood completed his medical degree with honors at Newcastle University. He attended Westmead, Canberra and Royal North Shore hospitals during his general surgery and plastic surgery training. After completing his plastic surgery training he accepted a fellowship in Dallas Texas. Dr Flood specialised in Craniofacial Surgery and Cosmetic procedures while he was there, and he worked under Dr Steve Byrd and Dr Craig Hobar, who have published numerous articles regarding both these areas. Since returning to Sydney in 1997, Dr Flood has set up a practice in Hornsby and also consults at Mona Vale. His practice deals with a large proportion of facial reconstruction post skin cancer removal, jaw surgery including both upper & lower jaw deformity, as well as chin deformity. He works in with an oral surgeon for these procedures. He also performs Cosmetic Surgery, mainly liposuction, blepharoplasty, browlifts, otoplasty & breast surgery.

Dr Flood has two procedure rooms in order to perform minor operations as well as provide a treatment room for facial skin care, botox and dermal fillers. All patients receive a written quotation as well as information sheets and consent forms after their initial consultation. If they then wish to proceed with surgery, they may be booked into the practice rooms or into hospital. He has now been in practice for 12 years. His office hours are between 8.30 and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday, and the staff would be most happy to discuss anything with you.


Dr Flood has particular interest in Liposuction, Facial Reconstruction post Skin Cancer, Blepharoplasty, and Breast Surgery.


  • Sydney Adventist Hospital
  • San Day Surgery Hornsby