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Theatre Bookings Guide

Processes for booking patients for procedures in the San Operating Theatres

The aim is to have a process that provides efficiency, reliability and optimal utilisation in order to maintain sustainability and deliver the best experience for our patients, staff and AMOs. It is essential that AMOs and their staff are fully acquainted with the booking process. A uniform process is essential for minimising error and optimising efficiency. The process will be reviewed regularly, and constructive feedback is always appreciated as this is what drives improvement.

Please provide any feedback to

Electronic Booking System (eHBL)

We are progressing to the electronic booking system (eHBL) being the only method of receiving theatre bookings for permanent theatre sessions from early 2023. Use of the eHBL reduces clerical errors and loss of important documents such as consent forms. Please consider using the eHBL when booking sessions now.

For more information and training please contact Allison Penman from our Information Services team by email

Important Contact Processes & Details

Requests for permanent or ad-hoc sessions must be made by email to  
Early notification of AMO leave is required for planning purposes. Please email   

Process for routine surgical bookings

  • Sessions should be populated no later than three normal business days prior. All the HBLs must have been submitted; a list of patient names +/- procedure is not acceptable
  • Please plan sessions to allow time for changeover in between cases and to finish no later than the allocated session finish time. Be fair and realistic. This should be observed for both morning and afternoon sessions. If more time is required, please contact the Theatre Manager and every effort will be made to find more time outside the regular session
  • All bookings must state Elective Category 1, 2 or 3 to manage capacity and surge staff planning. See Appendix B for clarification
  • Complex Cases – It is expected that AMOs will communicate directly with theatre management if a patient is complex with clinical care implications or specialised instrumentation requirements. Failure to do so may result in unnecessary delay or cancellation of the case due to lack of resources
  • ICU booking and preadmission clinic should be considered for all complex cases. ICU do plan capacity based on bookings
  • Please note that theatre management do meet daily to review bookings in order to plan and resolve potential workforce and equipment issues.

Two Normal Business Days Prior to Session

  • A provisional list will be sent via fax / email to AMO rooms for verification of correct order, procedure, times and or equipment incl. implants
  • The verified list should be returned no later than 0900hrs the day prior to the session. If the list has not been acknowledged it will be assumed that it is correct
  • Email is the preferred method of communication -

Normal Business Day Prior to Session

  • Final list confirmation will be sent to AMO rooms via fax / email
  • Any changes or errors must be notified no later than 1400hrs
  • After 1400hrs changes and additions must be discussed with the NUM-2 (not the booking staff) on 0438 427 935.

Additional Cases to be Scheduled on the Same Day

  • These cases must be booked through to the NUM-1 – Theatre Floor Supervisor on 0416 093 765. These cases will be accommodated in the scheduled session only if time is available. Emergency cases that cannot be allocated to the session can be booked onto the Emergency List.

Process for emergency bookings

Cases are to be booked with the Theatre Floor Supervisor:


  • 0630 - 2200: Theatre Floor Supervisor – 0416 093 765
  • 2200 - 0630: After Hours Manager – 0414 879 432

Weekends and Public Holidays

  • 0700 - 2130: Theatre Floor Supervisor – 0416 093 765
  • 2130 - 0700: After Hours Manager – 0414 879 432

It is the Surgeons / Proceduralists responsibility to:

1. Contact the appropriate coordinator listed above and provide:

  • Patient name, DOB and MRN (if known)
  • Procedure planned and approximate length of procedure
  • Procedure urgency – Emergency Category 1 to 5 must be stated
    Note: Category 4 or 5 may require a more specific time clarification
  • Equipment requirements / ICU requirements
  • Assistant requirement or name of arranged assistant
  • Fasting Time
  • Availability

2. Communicate directly with the allocated anaesthetist and provide clinical details
3. Note that only limb or life-threatening cases to be booked after 2300hrs Monday to Friday and after 1900hrs weekends and public holidays.

Additional rules around scheduling & session utilisation

Underutilised sessions may be consolidated following consultation between NUM-2 and the AMO in order to accommodate the many requests received for additional theatre time, often for patients requiring urgent treatment. A collaborative and professional approach in these circumstances helps everyone and is expected. Theatre management will take into account the specific circumstances of AMOs, acknowledging that some do have significant on-call and emergency commitments with patients best accommodated on the planned list. Utilisation is monitored and consistent underutilisation will be discussed with the AMO to resolve the issue.

Theatre management can re-allocate unutilised sessions to other AMOs if no bookings or additions are made on or before 1400hrs three (3) normal business days prior to the allocated session. This will be done only after discussion with the AMO.

Permanent schedule:

  • Managed by Theatre Manager – 0418 638 603
  • Discussions will be held with AMOs who consistently underutilise their sessions (less than 80% of allocated sessions).

Ad hoc requests / sessions:

  • Managed by NUM-2 – 0438 427 935
  • Initial feedback will be given within 24 hours of request made.

Caesarean section lists:

  • Caesarean section list in the AM of Tuesday and Thursday of every week
  • Cases are booked on first in basis
  • Change to list order must be via collegiate discussion
  • There is a rostered anaesthetist for this list
  • If a preferred anaesthetist is required, the booking will be accommodated as per all other booked cases.

Emergency lists (No longer ‘clearing list’):

Normal Business days

  • There is an Emergency List every weekday afternoon from 1400 to 2300hrs. After this time, only limb / life threatening cases will be booked. List order will be dependent on procedure urgency and may require a discussion between surgeons. It is not the responsibility of floor manager or anaesthetist to prioritise cases beyond the emergency categorization coding
  • There is an on-call assistant available from 1900. Prior to this AMOs will need to arrange.

Weekends / Public Holidays

  • Emergency lists are staffed by anaesthetist 0800-1900hrs then on call covers. Note – only life or limb threatening (Emergency Cat 1 and 2) can be booked after 1900hrs
  • The Floor Supervisor will communicate changes to expected procedure time.

Appendix A: Anaesthetic Cover

Early morning on-call: 0600 - 0800 hrs
Caeserean lists (Tues & Thurs): 0800 - 1300 hrs
Afternoon Emergency List: 1400 - 1900hrs
Emergency List After Hours (Weekdays):
1900 - 2300hrs
SAH Obstetric on-call: 1900 - 0600hrs
SAH General on-call: 1900 - 0600hrs
Weekends and Public Holidays:
0600 - 0800hrs
0800 - 1300hrs
1300 - 1900hrs
1900 - 0600hrs

Appendix B: Elective Categories 1 - 3

Category 1 – Urgent: 
Procedures that are clinically indicated within 30 days
Category 2 – Semi-urgent:  
Procedures that are clinically indicated within 90 days
Category 3 – Non-urgent: 
Procedures that are clinically indicated within 365 days

Appendix C: Emergency Categories

Category 1 – Within 30 minutes
Category 2 – Within 1 hour
Category 3 – Within 4 hours
Category 4 – Within (a) 6 hours; (b) 8 hours; (c) 12 hours; (d) 24 hours
Category 5 – Within 72 hours