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Dr Eisen Liang

Dr Eisen Liang



  • Interventional Radiology
  • Clinical Radiology


Other Languages

  • Cantonese
  • Mandarin


Subspecialty Interests: Interventional Radiology, particularly Gynaecological and Oncological Intervention

Dr Liang graduated with first class honour from UNSW in 1988. After his internship and residency at Westmead Hospital, he started his radiology career in Hong Kong in 1990. He was appointed as a lecturer in radiology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the Prince of Wales Hospital in 1994. He was awarded the fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (London) in 1995 and the fellowship of the Royal Australian New Zealand College of Radiologists in 1996. He was a partner with Castlereagh Radiology from 1999 to 2004, practising in Hong Kong and Sydney.
Dr Liang has a passion for interventional radiology. He started in this subspecialty in 1995 at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, predominantly treating liver cancers with chemoembolization and percutaneous ablation. In 1997, he did a travelling fellowship visiting interventional radiology luminaries around the world including Robert Dick and Anthony Watkinson at the Royal Free, Barry Katzen at the Miami Vascular Institute, Anthony Venbraux at the Johns Hopkins and Wayne Yakes in Colorado. In 2000, he visited the world leader in uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) Dr James Spies in Georgetown University.
Dr Liang returned to Sydney with his family in 2003. In 2004 he spent 3 months at Alfred Hospital Melbourne with Prof Ken Thomson and Dr Stuart Lyons doing an Interventional Sabbatical Fellowship to share experience and to advance technical skills in renal stenting, uterine fibroid embolization, vertebroplasty, IVC filters and venous accesses. Dr Liang joined San Radiology in October 2004. A wide range of interventional radiology procedures are now available at the San.
Dr Liang has specific interests in Uterine Fibroid Embolization; Oncology Intervention; Central Venous Access (Portacaths and Tunnelled Catheters); Renal Vascular Hypertension and stenting; Peripheral vascular disease, angioplasty and stenting; and Vertebroplasty.


Dr Liang has specific interest in Fibroid Embolisation, Oncology Intervention, and Vascular Intervention.


  • Sydney Adventist Hospital