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For Patients

During your stay

When you arrive

If you are coming to hospital on the day of your procedure our staff will let you know where to go when confirming your admission time and preoperative instructions. There are two locations for day of surgery patients.

Chapman Surgical Centre

Day surgery and day of surgery admissions will go to the Chapman Surgical Centre on Level 4 of the Clark Tower. 

Download map and directions 

Day Procedures Centre

Patients have day procedures such as endoscopy, colonoscopy and bronchoscopy will go to the Day Procedures Centre on Level 4 of the Tulloch Building.

Download map and directions

There are some exceptions to this for emergency care, maternity, paediatric and sleep studies patients, day infusion and renal dialysis patients, those having procedures in the Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory (CCL) or San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, and patients coming in the day before their procedures. Unless you have been told specifically by staff where you should go on arrival, please go to Access Centre on Level 4 of the Clifford Tower for admission.

If you are unable to keep your appointment for admission, or you have questions about your admission, please phone 02 9480 9903 as early as possible.