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Dr Charley Zheng

Dr Charley Zheng



  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  • Infertility


Other Languages

  • Mandarin


Dr Zheng is a caring and compassionate obstetrician and gynaecologist who is always available for his patients and colleagues.

Dr Zheng is experienced in his obstetric career, managing high risk antenatal patients and birthing suites in large tertiary units including The Royal Women’s Hospital and Westmead Hospital. He has personally cared for and delivered thousands of babies, many of whom were high risk or developed complications during pregnancy.

His general O&G career is further highlighted through fellowships in advanced laparoscopy, as well completion of subspecialty fellowship in reproductive medicine. With these additional skills, he is able to truly provide holistic care for a woman throughout her journey, integrating evidence, practice and experience.


  • Sydney Adventist Hospital