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About Us

REACH - For San Patients

Because you know you or your loved ones best

We are committed to ensuring that all our patients' clinical concerns are met, with staff trained to recognise and respond to any worrying change in a patient's condition. We also understand that you know yourself and your loved one best, which is why we have implemented the Clinical Excellence Commission’s REACH program, so you can let us know if you notice any new or concerning change in condition.

Clare Lumley, AHCL Chief Operations & Nursing Executive, explains REACH in this short video.

What is REACH?

REACH is a program designed to help patients and their families alert us to their concerns if they notice a recent worrying change in theirs or a loved one’s physical or mental condition that has not yet been addressed or acted upon by staff.

REACH can be used by patients of the San, their family members or carers. We encourage you to raise your concerns directly with your nurse or doctor first. If you remain worried after speaking with a member of your healthcare team then REACH provides you with other appropriate steps to escalate your concerns.

We want patients, family members and carers to actively participate in theirs or their loved ones care. It is important to us that we help provide the best possible experience for you or your loved one during their hospital stay.

Learn more

San patients and family members can contact REACH by dialling 9999 from your hospital phone (or 9480 9999 if calling externally about a Sydney Adventist Hospital patient).

REACH is not a system to handle hospital related complaints, but to ensure any urgent clinical concerns are addressed promptly.

More information on providing hospital feedback