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San Integrated Cancer Centre achieves highest ranking in metropolitan NSW for outpatient cancer services and tops the state in private services in NSW.

Media Release

San Integrated Cancer Centre achieves highest ranking in metropolitan NSW for outpatient cancer services and tops the state in private services in NSW.

For the seventh consecutive year, the Integrated Cancer Centre at Sydney Adventist Hospital (the San) has ranked first among metropolitan NSW hospitals in the annual Outpatient Cancer Clinics Survey. Additionally, the San ranked first in private services in NSW in the survey. 

Each year, patients’ experience of outpatient cancer care throughout NSW is independently surveyed by the Bureau of Health Information (BHI) in partnership with the Cancer Institute NSW. This year almost 10,000 patients from 44 facilities, both public and private, were surveyed.

The survey aims to assess patients' experiences with various aspects of their cancer care. Patients were asked to evaluate their experiences regarding compassion, respect, kindness, trust, involvement in decision-making, timely and coordinated care, effective communication, clear information, and a safe, comfortable environment.

In the report released on Wednesday 16th October 2024, the San’s Integrated Cancer Centre (ICC) achieved the highest rankings in five key measures including: safe, high-quality care from the clinic; attentive health professionals who listen to patients' views and concerns; well-organised care; convenient appointment access; and clinic cleanliness.

Professor Gavin Marx, Clinical Director of the Integrated Cancer Service at the San, explained how proud he was of his team. “Sydney Adventist Hospital consistently leads the way in metropolitan NSW in this annual survey, reflecting our team’s commitment to providing exceptional care for those undergoing cancer treatment. It is a privilege to work alongside such a dedicated group, all focused on enhancing our patients' quality of care. 

“While we are very proud of these results," said Prof Marx, "we are constantly striving to improve the experience of our cancer patients during their treatment. While it is gratifying to know that patients receive excellent cancer services here, each year we reflect on areas for improvement to ensure we continually provide the best possible care”, Prof Marx explained.

The San’s Integrated Cancer Centre operates in partnership with Icon Cancer Centre Wahroonga, which offers radiation therapy treatment for all cancer types. Icon’s Clinical Director of Radiation Oncology, Dr Andrew Fong, says “It’s a privilege to care for patients and their families during such challenging times, and we’re proud that our efforts are making a positive impact on their lives.”

Various factors contribute to Australia’s high cancer rates, and the San has long been committed to not only providing the very in latest diagnosis and treatments, but also prevention and research.

“The San takes great pride in our consistent performance in this survey. Not only do we provide outstanding multidisciplinary clinical care with access to world class technology, but we also lead the way in multidisciplinary psychosocial support for our oncology patients through individualised patient navigation and advanced complementary therapy programs, said CEO Brett Goods. “We are truly grateful to our outstanding team at the Integrated Cancer Centre, who do us proud, year on year.”

