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Generous students donate to hospital patients

Sydney Adventist Hospital has received a donation from students at a local school, which was inspired by the breast cancer battle of their teacher. 

Ava and Jocelyn decided they wanted make a difference to the lives of those who were undergoing treatment for cancer, after watching their Year 4 teacher's breast cancer journey. 

The now Year 6 leaders and their classmates at Prouille Catholic Primary School in Wahroonga made up 27 care packs filled with items including socks, nail polish, candles, bath bombs, activities and more. 

“It is inspiring to receive such a generous and well organised donation from such young members of our community. These bags will provide comfort and good will to so many cancer patients over the Christmas period. We are incredibly grateful to Prouille and their student leaders. Generosity of our local community always gives patients and staff a new release of hope,” said Cancer Support Services Manager Sarah Williams.

The parcels were handed out to patients at Sydney Adventist Hospital over the festive season. 

The San would like to thank the students and the staff at Prouille Primary School for such a lovely gesture. 

