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Sydney Adventist Hospital installs advanced heart lung machine

Sydney Adventist Hospital (fondly known as the San) has recently acquired the latest technology in cardiopulmonary perfusion medicine.

The Essenz Perfusion System is designed to support a perfusionist throughout the duration of a procedure, providing flexibility and scalability to optimize intra-operative care coordination.

The San is only the fifth site in Australia to procure the heart lung machines.

“This equipment is indispensable when performing cardiac surgery,” said Dr David D’Silva, San medical perfusionist and President of the Australasian Society of Medical Perfusion.

“Ultimately the machine provides insightful data which supports us in making decisions throughout a case, which allows us to better tailor individual patient care.” 

“We are pleased to have introduced the Essenz Perfusion System to our clinical practice to better support our patients during open-heart procedures”, said Brett Goods, Adventist HealthCare CEO. 

The Sydney Adventist Hospital team successfully performed the first adult clinical case using this technology in late January. 

