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San Breast Care

Meet Our Team

Sydney Adventist Hospital has a well-established multidisciplinary team of breast cancer doctors, nurses and health professionals who work together to treat you. All our highly committed San staff members and doctors want patients to have a positive experience with positive outcomes. This means that every point of contact with a patient is supportive and positive.

Nursing Support

Radiology Breast Care Nurse

One of the first people you are likely to meet within San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine is our Specialist Breast Care Nurse. Initially, she will assist with the necessary paperwork and settling you in for your appointment. If an abnormality is detected she is then able to liaise with the relevant doctors and assist with arranging a biopsy and other interventions as required, whilst being available for emotional support and to answer any questions you may have during this process. If a cancer is detected she will provide you with the most relevant and appropriate information sources, assist with referrals to our health and support services if needed, and help arrange specialist appointments if necessary. We understand that an initial cancer diagnosis can be devastating, and our aim is to ensure our patients feel cared for and supported at all times based on individual needs. Our Breast Care Nurse is your contact person to assist with any concerns and answer any questions you may have before further treatment commences, at which point our Patient Navigators also became available to support our patients.

Breast Patient Navigators 

Our San Breast Care Navigators support our patients from the beginning of their diagnosis through all treatment and support services here at the Hospital. Breast Navigators work collaboratively with all specialties involved including all involved in the multidisciplinary team. Patient navigators help guide our patients through their experience with the San, and help manage and reduce the distress associated with a cancer diagnosis. Navigators are on-site and across all cases, so they know where each woman is in her journey and can provide information or direction at any time. Navigators facilitate the care, taking away the burden of having to arrange appointments and find out where to go. Our Breast Care Navigators are:

Alison Jones
Katy-Marie Hayman
Dale Andrews

Breast Imaging Team

Breast imaging at San Radiology and Nuclear Medicine is an integral part of the San Breast Care team. Our highly experienced breast imaging team includes Breast Radiologists, Nuclear Medicine Physicians, Radiographers/Mammographers, Sonographers and Nuclear Medicine Technologists who strive to deliver high quality breast imaging with a strong focus on personalised care for our patients. What sets us apart at the San, is that all our Radiologists caring for you have subspecialist breast expertise and are available every week day. Our advantage is that all your scans have been thoroughly reviewed by experts.

Our breast imaging team includes Radiographers / Mammographers, Sonographers and Nuclear Medicine Technologists.

Breast Radiologists

Nuclear Medicine Physicians

Breast surgeons

Plastic Surgeons

Our specialist doctors supervise chemotherapy and radiation oncology treatments provided in first-class facilities by expert staff. Our team of oncologists provide a comprehensive approach to your care ensuring that the management of their patients experience is as streamlined as possible and integrated with the multidisciplinary team.

Radiation Oncology

Medical Oncologists

Genetic Oncology

Genetic counselling is available for anyone concerned about personal or family risks of breast cancer. San genetic oncologists provide genetic testing, risk assessment and risk management advice for individuals and their families, including those who have not had a cancer.